📄️ Binary.ApproximateLength
Returns the approximate length of the binary.
📄️ Binary.Buffer
Buffers the binary value in memory.
📄️ Binary.Combine
Combines a list of binaries into a single binary.
📄️ Binary.Compress
Compresses a binary value using the given compression type.
📄️ Binary.Decompress
Decompresses a binary value using the given compression type.
📄️ Binary.From
Creates a binary from the given value
📄️ Binary.FromList
Converts a list of numbers into a binary value.
📄️ Binary.FromText
Decodes data from a text form into binary.
📄️ Binary.InferContentType
Reads the binary stream and tries to determine the content type and format information of the stream.
📄️ Binary.Length
Returns the number of characters.
📄️ Binary.Range
Returns a subset of the binary value beginning at an offset.
📄️ Binary.Split
Splits the specified binary into a list of binaries using the specified page size.
📄️ Binary.ToList
Converts a binary value into a list of numbers.
📄️ Binary.ToText
Encodes binary data into a text form.
📄️ Binary.View
Creates or extends a binary with user-defined handlers for query and action operations.
📄️ Binary.ViewError
Creates a modified error record which won't trigger a fallback when thrown by a handler defined on a view (via Binary.View).
📄️ Binary.ViewFunction
Creates a function that can be intercepted by a handler defined on a view (via Binary.View).
📄️ BinaryFormat.7BitEncodedSignedInteger
A binary format that reads a 64-bit signed integer that was encoded using a 7-bit variable-length encoding.
📄️ BinaryFormat.7BitEncodedUnsignedInteger
A binary format that reads a 64-bit unsigned integer that was encoded using a 7-bit variable-length encoding.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Binary
Returns a binary format that reads a binary value.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Byte
A binary format that reads an 8-bit unsigned integer.
📄️ BinaryFormat.ByteOrder
Returns a binary format with the byte order specified by a function.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Choice
Returns a binary format that chooses the next binary format based on a value that has already been read.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Decimal
A binary format that reads a .NET 16-byte decimal value.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Double
A binary format that reads an 8-byte IEEE double-precision floating point value.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Group
Returns a binary format that reads a group of items.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Length
Returns a binary format that limits the amount of data that can be read.
📄️ BinaryFormat.List
Returns a binary format that reads a sequence of items and returns a list.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Null
A binary format that reads zero bytes and returns null.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Record
Returns a binary format that reads a record.
📄️ BinaryFormat.SignedInteger16
A binary format that reads a 16-bit signed integer.
📄️ BinaryFormat.SignedInteger32
A binary format that reads a 32-bit signed integer.
📄️ BinaryFormat.SignedInteger64
A binary format that reads a 64-bit signed integer.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Single
A binary format that reads a 4-byte IEEE single-precision floating point value.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Text
Returns a binary format that reads a text value.
📄️ BinaryFormat.Transform
Returns a binary format that will transform the values read by another binary format.
📄️ BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger16
A binary format that reads a 16-bit unsigned integer.
📄️ BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger32
A binary format that reads a 32-bit unsigned integer.
📄️ BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger64
A binary format that reads a 64-bit unsigned integer.