📄️ Geography.FromWellKnownText
Translates text representing a geographic value in Well-Known Text (WKT) format into a structured record.
📄️ Geography.ToWellKnownText
Translates a structured geographic point value into its Well-Known Text (WKT) representation.
📄️ GeographyPoint.From
Creates a record representing a geographic point from parts.
📄️ Geometry.FromWellKnownText
Translates text representing a geometric value in Well-Known Text (WKT) format into a structured record.
📄️ Geometry.ToWellKnownText
Translates a structured geometric point value into its Well-Known Text (WKT) representation.
📄️ GeometryPoint.From
Creates a record representing a geometric point from parts.
📄️ Record.AddField
Adds a field to a record.
📄️ Record.Combine
Combines the records in the given list.
📄️ Record.Field
Returns the value of the specified field in a record.
📄️ Record.FieldCount
Returns the number of fields in the record.