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Import data from an IBM Netezza database.


server as text,
database as text,
optional options as record
) as table


Returns a table of Netezza tables, views, and stored functions from the Netezza Server database database on server server. The port may be optionally specified with the server, separated by a colon. An optional record parameter, options, may be specified to control the following options:

  • CreateNavigationProperties: A logical (true/false) that sets whether to generate navigation properties on the returned values (default is true)
  • HierarchicalNavigation: A logical (true/false) that sets whether to view the tables grouped by their schema names (default is false)
  • ConnectionTimeout: A duration which controls how long to wait before abandoning an attempt to make a connection to the server. The default value is driver-dependent.
  • CommandTimeout: A duration which controls how long the server-side query is allowed to run before it is canceled. The default value is driver-dependent.
  • NormalizeDatabaseName: A logical (true/false) that sets whether to normalize database name to upper case or interpret it literally (default is true).
The record parameter is specified as [option1 = value1, option2 = value2...].


Example #1

List the tables in an IBM Netezza project.

Netezza.Database("netezza:5480", "netezza_database")